By Marlena De Lacroix a.k.a. Connie Passalacqua Hayman Women are still the core of soap opera. They are what the plots are about and they make the stories go. An overwhelming number of women on soap operas are very intelligent, assertive and masters of their own fates. Here’s a round-up of the most intelligent and sometimes devious women … [Read more...]
Sunday Reflections 10: Katie Couric’s Talk Show is So-So … GH’s Fast Wrapping Up Remote … Y&R: Why did “Red”’s Hair Suddenly Turn Brown?
By Marlena De Lacroix a.k.a. Connie Passalacqua Hayman So what did you think of Katie, Ms. Couric’s new talk show? I have mixed feelings about it. Couric herself doesn’t bother me. Au contraire -- we should be proud that daytime television, which marginalizes older women, is spotlighting a 55-year-old. Katie’s usual intelligence does shine … [Read more...]
General Hospital Until the Bitter End
By Marlena De Lacroix a.k.a Connie Passalacqua Hayman Before I start my review of the new General Hospital (Frank Valentini executive producer, Ron Carlivati, headwriter) I have three things to say: 1. I agree with everything my good friend Ed Martin says in the column below ("Can General Hospital Be Saved?") Do a Gloria Monty, gut the show … [Read more...]
Daytime Emmy Noms 2008: The More Things Change, the More They Remain the Same
By Marlena De Lacroix I first attended and wrote about the Daytime Emmys in 1980 and I should be over them by now. But I continue, year after year, to be exasperated by the fact that two things never change. 1) No matter how many times they have been revised or have been updated over the years, the nomination and award processes are still … [Read more...]