All My Children: Daytime’s Brigadoon, But What Happens Next? Part 2

By Marlena De Lacroix In Part 1 of this column, I used that great 1947 Broadway musical in which a mythical ancient town full of joy and real human goodness reappears and vanishes once a decade as a metaphor for the brief return of Lorraine Broderick as headwriter of All My Children. Ms. Broderick's self-chosen short-lived return represented … [Read more...]

Soap February: Blame Executive Malfeasance!

Thinking Fans Comment Update: BL avers, "I have to say the line (on AMC) about how lesbians don't kiss men was perfect, because why would they?" ... Carl posits, "GL has been so much about nasty thugs over the past few years, Phillip's return is a way to bring a more heroic character back into the spotlight" ... while Melanie warns that GH "is on … [Read more...]